How to Fire Pottery in a Microwave!

In this cutting edge online course you will learn how to fire pottery in the microwave using a microwave kiln and low fire, cone 06, clay and glaze. 

Firing pottery in a microwave is an affordable and accessible option for those that may not have the opportunity to a join a studio, or the financial means to buy a regular kiln. Or maybe you want to dip your toe in and just experiment with clay before you decide to invest further! 

Each persons firing times may be different, depending on your setup. Things like the microwave size and wattage, kiln size and brand, electrical input, clay, glaze and the project intention all factor in. So, the most important aspect of this workshop is learning how to test your own combination of equipment and materials to find your ideal firing times.

The course includes a 40 minute video and notes with extra information, recommendations, and links to everything used in the workshop. Spanish subtitles available.

We will be covering:

  • All the materials & equipment you’ll need.
  • The factors that affect the heatwork in the kiln, and how to get a consistent result.
  • Size limitations of the kiln and how you can go slightly bigger.
  • A list of sample firing times I have developed for my specific setup.
  • How you can test to figure out the ideal firing times with your equipment and materials.
  • Ideas for different results you can achieve, and projects you can try with this firing style.
  • How to do a cone 06 bisque and glaze fire.
  • A monochromatic horse hair raku demonstration. 
  • Trouble shooting tips. 
  • How to test the temperature in the kiln.
  • Safety considerations.

Materials needed:

  • A dedicated microwave (that you will no longer use for food)
  • A microwave kiln
  • Cone 06 clay
  • Cone 06 glaze
  • Fire proof gloves
  • Metal tongs
  • Fire extinguisher
  • An exciting ceramics project
  • A good attitude and an active imagination!
  • Optional: Pyrometric cones, pyrometer, infrared safety glasses, vapor mask (depending on your project.)

Suitable for all levels... Beginner to advanced clay players! 

If you haven’t worked with clay before, then getting a foundation in clay processes is recommended. This tutorial will be explaining the microwave firing aspect of the process only, not a whole clay project from start to finish. 

* Not recommended for unsupervised children!

As a bonus to this course, you will also get access to a microwave firing community support group, where students can interact and help each other learn this process. I also check in regularly and answer as many questions as I can. This forum is a wonderful way for you to connect with others also learning, and support each other on your journeys, plus get ongoing support from me.

Let your imagination run wild! There are an endless number of projects you can explore using this firing technique. Join us on this adventure and let’s open up some creative possibilities! 

This purchase gives you unlimited access to the course. If at any point I change platforms I'll upload the video to a different host page and send you a link.



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